Thursday March 27, 2014
Vietnam Civil Society Conference, held under the co-chairmanship of members of Congress:
- offers a forum for advocates inside Vietnam and among the diaspora across the world to develop a joint pla=orm and plan of ac7ons for civil society development in Vietnam;
- familiarizes civil society advocates in Vietnam with how civil society func7ons and introduces them to global players and peers.
9:00 am —11:30 am – CVC Auditorium
(Capitol Visitors Center)
Plenary Session Confirmed speakers:
Senator David Vitter
Senator Ben Cardin
Senator John Cornyn
Congressman Alan Lowenthal
Congressman Bill Cassidy
Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
Commissioner Andy Nguyen
Councilmember Chris Phan
11:30 am — noon – House Triangle
Press Conference
Noon— 1:00 pm
Lunch Recepion
1:30 pm — 2:45 pm
Breakout session # 1: Human rights in the context of US-Vietnam relations – CVC Auditorium
Breakout session # 2: Reporting and stopping abuses – CVC 217
Breakout session # 3: Opportunities and strategies – CVC 268
3:00 pm — 4:15 pm
Breakout session # 1: Promoting human rights via civil society development – CVC Auditorium
Breakout session # 2: Entry Points for Advocacy – CVC 217
Breakout session # 3: Advocacy Best Practices – CVC 268
6:00 pm — 9:00 pm
Working Dinner – Harvest Moon Restaurant