2172 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 | Jul 9, 2014 10:00am
SOURCE: House Foreign Affairs Committee
Opening Statements
Chairman Royce on the hearing: “The right to freedom of religion, speech, and assembly are treasured universal rights. Unfortunately, many countries across Southeast Asia deny their citizens these rights, often cracking down severely on those who express any form of dissatisfaction with their government. In Vietnam, those that choose to speak out against the one-party communist government are often imprisoned or beaten. In Burma, Rohingya Muslims and other minorities continue to face unprecedented state-sponsored discrimination that has resulted in widespread violence, death, and other forms of abuses. Hun Sen has stolen another election in Cambodia, refusing to recognize the will of his country for a new government. This hearing will examine this too-common abuse of human rights in Southeast Asia and explore how the United States can do a better job bringing about positive change.”
The Honorable Lorne W. Craner
(Former Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State)
The Honorable Tom Andrews
President and Chief Executive Officer
United to End Genocide
(Former United States Representative)
Ms. Janet Nguyen
Supervisor, First District
Orange County Board of Supervisors
Thang D. Nguyen, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Boat People SOS
***Any changes to witness list will be reflected above.