Thursday, January 28, 2016
Mayor Muriel Bowser announced today that citations issued for parking on snow emergency routes on Friday, January 22 will be voided.
“The Blizzard of 2016 was one of the largest snow events in recent history and we are all working together to dig the District out from this storm,” said Mayor Bowser. “Despite that drivers were advised last Thursday to remove their vehicles from snow routes, I understand that some who received citations that Friday may not have known about the parking restriction, or may have been running errands in preparation for the storm. This ticket dismissal is one small way that we can continue to help each other recover from the storm.”
At 9:30 am Friday, January 22nd, a snow emergency declaration went into effect requiring residents to remove their vehicles from snow emergency routes [PDF] and prohibiting them from parking along these routes until the declaration expired. 2800 citations were issued Friday, each of which carried with it a fine of $250 fine and fees for towing and vehicle storage.
Unpaid citations issued for violating the January 22nd snow emergency will be voided administratively. Residents who have already paid their citations for violations that occurred on Friday, January 22nd will receive a refund. In either case, all applicable towing and storage fees still apply. Residents with questions about the citation void are asked to call 311.