Media advisory: Interviews available with AGRM president
Brad Lewis, Director of Communications; Phone: (719) 266-8300, ext. 103; Cell: (719) 649-4478; blewis(at)
Local contact:
Rhett Butler, AGRM Government Liaison; Cell: (571) 296-9490; rbutler(at)
Association of Gospel Rescue Missions (AGRM). Now in its 103rd year, AGRM has nearly 300 rescue mission members across North America. Each year, AGRM members serve approximately 66 million meals, provide more than 20 million nights of shelter and housing, assist some 45,000 people in finding employment, provide clothing to more than 750,000 people, and graduate nearly 17,000 homeless men and women from addiction recovery programs into productive living.
Rescue missions have been providing hospitality to impoverished people in America since the 1870s. They are experts at providing effective care for men, women, and children who are hungry, homeless, abused, or addicted.
AGRM is North America’s oldest and largest network of crisis shelters and rehabilitation centers, offering radical hospitality in the name of Jesus. For more information, please visit
DC Forum. Rescue mission executives and leaders from across the United States will meet in Washington, D.C. to discuss and learn more about vital public policy issues, bringing rescue mission professionals together with senior HUD, White House, and Interagency Council on Homelessness officials to discuss policy issues including:
Changes that could affect religious expression
Changing government opinions on non-church religious nonprofits.
HUD regulations and federal homelessness policies
New overtime pay rules.
Updates on tax-related policies.
In addition to meetings with elected officials on Capitol Hill, AGRM is working with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to schedule a high-level meeting for attendees to talk with HUD officials about their experiences with local housing policies and with issues that fall under new HUD proposals.
AGRM also plans to introduce two new initiatives.
1. A new booklet for political candidates that helps define national poverty-related challenges and how AGRM members are a major part of America’s response to those challenges.
2. The Civic Pluralism Project, to help rescue missions both define and proactively address emerging cultural and social issues that affect rescue missions and the people they serve.
Rescue missions provide some of the nation’s most effective and efficient rehabilitation, education, job training, and life skills programs for homeless men, women, and children.
Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University. The hotel is at 800 Florida Ave. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002
March 14-16, 2016
Interview Opportunities During Conference (by appointment; please call Brad Lewis at (719) 649-4478 to schedule):
John Ashmen—President, Association of Gospel Rescue Missions
Rhett Butler—Government Liaison, Association of Gospel Rescue Missions