SOURCE: National Air and Space Museum
Heritage Family Day Series
This event takes place every March at the Museum in Washington, DC. Thrill to the beauty and artistry of kites on display and in the air. Visit our display of kites and discover the diversity of kites from across Asia. Find out more about how kites are made in one of our hands-on stations. Learn how kites helped the Wright brothers develop the first airplane. Marvel at the grace of kites being flown indoors.
Join us for other upcoming Heritage Family Days
This program is made possible through the generous support of Northrop Grumman Corporation.
Family Day
Kites of Asia
Saturday, March 19, 2016
10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Throughout the Museum in Washington, DC
Admission: Free
Celebrate Spring at the National Air and Space Museum’s Kites of Asia Heritage Family Day! Talk to kite experts, see pan-Asian kite displays, marvel at indoor kite flying, make your own kite— and maybe even take a dance lesson! This year’s Kites of Asia Heritage Family Day will have a special focus on Nepal and India.
Location to be Announced
Learn about the kite that inspired this program and learn why it’s not on display.
In America by Air
Discover local kite experts and organizations.
In Looking at Earth
Build an anemometer to measure the speed of wind.
Drop “cherry blossoms” to learn about the principle of drag.
In Space Race
Build and decorate an airworthy sled kite.
Make Nepalese masks and color Napalese designs.
In Wright Brothers & the Invention of the Aerial Age
Hear from a Museum expert about how the Wright brothers used kites to invent the airplane.
In Barron Hilton Pioneers of Flight Gallery
Fashion a Chinese Dragon puppet.
Color a Thai-style kite*
Make a Philippine leaf kite*
*these kites are decorative but not airworthy
In America by Air
Experience the grace of indoor kite flying.
In Space Race
Watch Ulpalasia-Nepalese music and dance demonstrations
Throughout the Museum
View static displays of Pan-Asian kites
Ages 3 with an adult companion
Flights of Fancy Story Time—The Story of Kites by Ying Chang Compestine
11:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Indian Kite Stories and Dress-up by Swatantar
12:15 p.m. and 2:15 p.m.
Driving directions to the Museum in Washington, DC
Museum Floorplan
Kites of Asia Family Day at the Museum in Washington DC
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