For immediate release: January 20, 2017
Metro service update for Women’s March on Washington
Metrobus detours for January 20
As tens of thousands of visitors arrive for the Women’s March on Washington, Metro has some important service updates, and well as safety and travel tips for those planning to use the rail system.
Due to security and logistical considerations, Federal Triangle Station will be closed Saturday. Customers should use Metro Center Station instead, which is located 0.3 miles (3 blocks) north at 12th and F streets NW. All other Metro stations will be open.
As previously announced, the Metrorail system will open two hours early — at 5 a.m. — on Saturday and add up to two dozen additional trains to accommodate increased ridership. Trains will run on an “enhanced Saturday schedule” with no track work on any line. Trains will depart stations at the end of each line every 12 minutes, resulting in service every 4 to 6 minutes at all stations in Downtown DC.
For additional capacity, Metro will add more than a dozen trains on the Red and Orange lines to accommodate expected high ridership traveling to the march. In addition, Metro will add trains between Franconia-Springfield and Greenbelt, running on the “Rush Plus” route via the Yellow Line Bridge from approximately 6 to 10 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m.
All march participants are strongly encouraged to purchase and load their SmarTrip card in advance (tonight if possible) to avoid lines. Each rider age 5 and up needs his or her own card to enter and exit the Metrorail system. SmarTrip cards can be purchased at any Metro station, as well as CVS/Pharmacy or Giant stores. Be sure the card is loaded with enough value to pay for all trips you plan to take during the day.
While Metro’s Federal Center SW station is closest to the march gathering location, march participants should consider walking from the adjacent stations of L’Enfant Plaza or Capitol South to avoid crowding.
For your safety
Metro stations, platforms and trains may be extremely crowded. Some escalators will be intentionally turned off by police to “meter” the flow of passengers. Please use caution when traveling through crowded areas.
On the platform, stand back from the edge until the train comes to a complete stop and the doors open. Take note of the flashing lights on the floor that indicate a train is approaching, and make sure you are behind the “bumpy tile” safety strip. Hold children by the hand.
Never jump down onto the tracks for any reason. Metro tracks are electrified and trains run frequently. If you drop something on the tracks, see a Metro station manager or Transit Police officer for assistance.
Do not run in stations, on escalators or platforms. The next train is just minutes away.
Do not hold the train doors. They do not work like elevator doors and will not reopen automatically. When you hear the chimes indicating the doors are closing, step back and wait for the next train.
Aboard the train, move away from the doors to make room for those behind you. Do not lean on the doors.
On escalators, take small children by the hand. Stand on the right side. Do not bring strollers on escalators; use elevators instead. When you reach the top or bottom of an escalator, keep moving so that customers behind you have room to exit.
In the Metro system, smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited. Bicycles and large coolers will not permitted aboard trains on Saturday.
For your security
Immediately report any unattended items or suspicious activity. Call Transit Police at (202) 962-2121 or send a text to “MyMTPD” (696873).
Metro Transit Police continuously patrol stations and trains, both in uniform and in plain clothes.
Please note that items carried onto the Metro system may be subject to random security screening by uniformed Transit Police officers.
Tampering with or disabling Metro equipment, such as escalators, elevators, train doors or emergency equipment, is unlawful and may result in arrest.
In the event of an emergency, intercoms are located on station platforms and aboard trains. Follow the direction of police officers and Metro personnel, and listen for public address announcements.
Travel Tips
When traveling to the march, consider using L’Enfant Plaza or Capitol South stations, rather than Federal Center SW, to avoid crowding.
Remember where your trip started. Many visitors who are dropped off at Metro get on a train without taking note of the station name where they boarded.
Spread out along the platform. Rail cars in the middle of the train are the most crowded. Try boarding all the way at the front or back of the train. Note that an 8-car train will occupy the entire length of the station platform.