It’s no accident that American families have seen their incomes decline over the last 20 years as politicians of both parties have signed “free trade” agreements which do nothing but trade American jobs, worker safety standards, and food and consumer safety standards for bigger corporate profits.
We don’t need any more free trade agreements; what we need are fair trade agreements!
Now politicians are trying to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement that would freely trade good American jobs and benefits for cheap products produced by workers who are forced to labor in sweatshops and unsafe working conditions.
Our trade agreements should be setting the standards on how to treat workers, produce the best and safest products and protect the air, water and land instead of forcing everyone to sink to the level of sweatshops and toxic dumps in countries like Vietnam.
Please help us tell Congress and U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman that the U.S. should suspend trade negotiations with Vietnam until it meets international labor, human rights and environmental standards!
I call on Congress and the U.S. Trade Representative to suspend trade negotiations with Vietnam until it meets international labor, human rights and environmental standards!
Click below link to sign the petition