SOURCE: Department of Parks and Recreation
Fair designed to reach out to limited English speaking and other underserved communities in Washington, DC
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DPR Media Contacts:
Brian Armstead (202) 746-2092,
Rachel Newman (202) 340-2910,
(WASHINGTON, DC) – On Thursday, March 26, 2015 from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., the DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) will host the Multicultural Motion “Look at DPR” Fair. This Fair, located in the atrium of the Frank D. Reeves Center (14th and U Streets, NW), will highlight the following:
Summer Seasonal Employment Opportunities
Career Service Employment Opportunities
Summer Camp Offerings
Permit Services
Sports, Health and Fitness
Free Ethnic Food Tasting with over 15 Vendors
To create awareness on how to access DPR and celebrate the many cultures, near and far across the District, DPR has partnered with the Executive Office of the Mayor (EOM), the Mayor’s constituency offices: Office on Latino Affairs (OLA), Office on African Affairs (OAA), Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs (OAPIA), Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender and Questioning Affairs (LGBTQ), DC Youth Advisory Council (DCYAC), and Language Access Offices. Other agencies/offices participating in the event include the Metropolitan Police Division (MPD), District Department of the Environment (DDOE), Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), DC Public Schools (DCPS), Office on Aging and the Office of Human Rights (OHR).
Each organization will have a presence at the fair. DDOE and MPD will also present job opportunities.
In addition, over twenty Community Organizations such as the Ethiopian Community Center, Carlos Rosario International Center, Chinatown Community Cultural Center, Cameroon American Counsel, Mary’s Center for Maternal Care, Asian American LEAD, Bell Multicultural High School, African Women’s Cancer Awareness Association, Washington Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights and Many Languages – One Voice are among groups confirmed to attend.
Fair participants will navigate tables, booths and displays that will highlight DPR as well as partner and community organizations. The main stage will have various speakers to talk about DPR and the offerings available to District residents. There will also be lively music and other entertainment on stage. To top off the experience, there will be 15+ local ethnic restaurants that will provide a “Fresh Taste of DC.”
Twitter Hashtag: #MCHFair
About DPR
The DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) provides quality urban recreation and leisure services for residents and visitors to the District of Columbia. DPR supervises and maintains area parks, community facilities, swimming pools and spray parks, and neighborhood recreation centers. The agency also coordinates a wide variety of recreation and educational programs including sports leagues, youth development, therapeutic recreation, aquatic programming, outdoor adventure, camping, and senior citizen activities. Adaptive programs and facilities are available for persons with disabilities.