6:00 pm View exhibit “Reporting Vietnam”
Xem triển lãm
6:30 pm Red carpet and Reception – Chào đón quan khách, đồng hương & Tiếp tân. Quý Vị thưởng thức các món ăn do đầu bếp Wolfgang Puck đảm trách.
7:10 pm: Colors – Chào cờ
7:15 pm: Welcoming remark from Newseum Programing Director John Maynard.
Diễn văn chào mừng của Giám đốc Chương trình của Newseum ông John Maynard.
7:18 pm: Opening remark from Legendary Actress Kiều Chinh, VAHF’s Advisory Board Member
Diễn văn khai mạc của Nữ tài tử Kiều Chinh, Cố vấn hội VAHF
7:20 pm: Thank You to Our Sponsors video clip
Video cảm ơn các nhà bảo trợ
7:25 pm: Remark from CEO’s Luraco Technologies Tom Lê
Phát biểu của đại diện nhà bảo trợ Tom Lê, CEO của Luraco
7:27 pm: Introduction VIETNAMERICA by Producer Nancy Bùi
Nhà sản suất Nancy Bùi gìới thiệu phim VIETNAMERICA
7:30 pm: Showing VIETNAMERICA – Chiếu phim
9:00 pm: Q & A – Phần thảo luận, giải đáp thắc mắc
9:30 pm: Adjour – Bế mạc
Panelists: Prf. Lewis Sorley, Prof. Robert F. Turner, Brigadier Gen. Lương Xuân Việt, KHG Dương Nguyệt Ánh, Trần Tử Thanh, Producer Nancy Bùi
SOURCE: Newseum
WHEN: October 17, 2015 @ 6:30 pm
WHERE: Walter and Leonore Annenberg Theater
555 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
The Vietnamese American Heritage Foundation and the Newseum present the Washington, D.C., premiere of the new documentary “Vietnamerica,” which tells the story of how more than 2 million Vietnamese fled to America in the years following the Vietnam War.
The film features the story of martial arts master Hoa Tien Nguyen, a U.S. citizen who returned to Southeast Asia to search for the graves of his wife and two children, who died during their attempt to escape. The film also tells the stories of a diverse group of Vietnamese survivors and explores the reasons for the Vietnamese diaspora.
The screening will be followed by a panel discussion with executive producer Nancy Bui; Tran Tu Thanh and Anh Nguyet Duong, who appear in the film; and Vietnam scholars and veterans Lewis Sorley and Robert F. Turner.
A reception precedes the film at 6:30 p.m.
If you are a member and would like to RSVP for this program, please click here to register.
– See more at: http://www.newseum.org/event/members-only-vietnamerica/?instance_id=13150#sthash.yfYgcgLU.dpuf