SOURCE: Medium Rare’s
CONTACT: Mark Bucher
(301) 775-7903
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (October 26, 2017) – Thanksgiving is a holiday focused on food, family, friends and tradition. At the center of that tradition is the turkey. According to a recent CNN poll, 86 percent of Americans will eat the famous fowl on the holiday. However, for many the thought of spending hours basting is not part of their holiday
game plan. Continuing their nine year tradition, Medium Rare Co-Founder, Mark
Bucher will once again offer their FREE TURKEY FRY at the Barracks Row location of
Medium Rare.
“Over the years I’ve discovered there are many sources for no cost turkeys for families having financial hardship in and around DC. The bigger problem is they have nowhere to cook it”. By doing this Turkey Fry, I not only enable hundreds of local families to have a proper Thanksgiving meal, I also help other families enjoy the amazing taste of a deep fried turkey and make sure they have a safe, emergency room and fire department free Thanksgiving.
For those who would like to participate, keep the following in mind:
• The turkey frying is free, but you do have to supply the turkey.
• Bring a completely thawed 8-10 pound turkey to be fried. We unfortunately can’t fry turkey’s larger due to time constraints.
• You will need to have your own container for the turkey when transporting to and from the restaurant.
• While they always get to everyone, the service is provided on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Those who want their turkey fried by Medium Rare can bring it to 515 8th Street S.E. in the Capital Hill/Barracks Row area on Thursday, November 24, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The turkeys will be cooked using a deep fryer.
There will also be hot cider and coffee, as well as the Macy’s parade playing on TV. For many this has become an annual addition to their holiday celebration, where they look forward to meeting old and new friends, alike.
The cooking service is always free, but those who would like to give back are encouraged to make a donation to The Children’s Inn at NIH.
Mark is available for interviews, on set or the day of the event for on location cooking demos.
Mark is also available to offer additional talking points about Thanksgiving day food safety, turkey cooking techniques, creative leftover ideas and general holiday cooking tips.
About Medium Rare
Founded in 2011, Medium Rare has quickly become a DC institution. With three locations
in the Washington, DC metro area, the restaurants specialize in steaks frites and are famous
for their secret steak sauce. In addition to their prix-fixe dinner, they also serve weekend
brunch. For more information, visit
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(@ metro eastern market)
515 8TH STREET S.E.,