June 15, 2018
Contact: Rachel E. Coll
(202) 727-5411
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The District of Columbia Board of Elections (DCBOE) is aware that media and members of the public may have questions about Election Day, so we have drafted the below questions and answers for your convenience.
What are the voting hours for the June 19 Primary Election?
Polls will be open from 7:00am to 8:00pm. Any voter in line by 8:00pm will be allowed to cast a ballot.
Who may vote?
All registered voters in the District of Columbia may vote in the June 19 Primary Election – voters affiliated with a major party (Democrat, Republican, D.C. Statehood Green, Libertarian) may vote on the candidates appearing on the ballot. Unaffiliated/minor party-affiliated voters may not vote on the candidates, but they may vote on Initiative 77, which will appear on the Primary ballot.
New voters participating in same-day registration and voters wishing to update their voter registration information may do so at the polling location assigned to their current (new) address. To find your assigned polling location, visit
Is it too late to register?
No. But you will need to show proof of residence such as a driver’s license, government check or paycheck, lease, utility bill, bank statement or government document showing your name and address in the District.
What are the contests on the ballot?
Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives Mayor of the District of Columbia
Chairman of the Council
At-large Member of the Council
Ward Member of the Council for Wards 1, 3, 5 and 6 Attorney General of the District of Columbia
United States Senator
United States Representative
National and Local Party Committee Members
Initiative Measure No. 77, the “District of Columbia Minimum Wage Amendment Act of 2017”
How many polling places will be open?
There are 143 precincts in the District of Columbia, however, some precincts have been relocated. Please refer to p. 46 of your Voter Guide, which can be found online at:
An additional change was made to Precinct # 68, which was relocated:
FROM: St. Francis Hall, 1340 Quincy Street NE, Washington, DC 20017
TO: Turkey Thicket Recreation Center, 1100 Michigan Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20017
Voters impacted by these relocations have been notified of the changes.
Do voters need to show identification?
Same day registrants must show proof of residence with their name and current address (this can be a photo identification, but does not have to be). First-time District voters who registered by mail or online and did not provide proof of residence at the time of registration must show proof of residence with their name and current address. Likewise, voters who are filing an Election Day change of address at the polling place serving their current residence address must also show proof of residence with their name and current address.
All other voters are not required to provide proof of residence, but doing so may speed up the check-in process.
What voting equipment will voters use to cast their ballot?
Voters have their choice of the ExpressVote ballot marking device or traditional paper ballots at every polling place on Election Day.
What happens if there is a power outage or other problem with the voting equipment?
All voting equipment utilizes battery power in the event of a power outage. In addition, every DS200 optical scanner has an auxiliary bin where paper ballots can be placed if there is a power outage or a problem with the voting equipment. The Board will also have roving technical support teams available to quickly replace voting equipment if necessary.
Who should voters call if they have a question or problem?
If a voter has a question, problem, or concern while they are voting, the first person to contact is the supervisor at the polling place, who is referred to as the Precinct Captain. The best time and place to resolve a problem is where and when it happens. Voters can also call the Board of Elections with questions at (202) 727-2525. To report allegations of election misconduct, call the Board’s Office of the General Counsel at (202) 727-2194.
What is the best time to vote to avoid lines?
The best time to vote and avoid lines is in the late morning or early afternoon. Because most voters find it more convenient to cast their ballots before going to work or shortly before the polls close, the hours before 9am and after 5pm tend to be the most crowded.
What rules apply to media activity at the polling place?
When a representative from the media arrives at the polling place, they should ask for the Precinct Captain. This official has supervisory authority and is required to keep a record of all visitors in the polling place. You must have media credentials or permission from the Board to remain in a polling place when you are not voting. If you do not have generally accepted media credentials, contact the Board’s Public Information Officer at (202) 727-5411 to arrange for an election observer badge.
Inside the polling place and within a 50-foot perimeter of the entrance, you may not:
Talk to voters who are in the process of checking in or casting their ballot.
Touch any official record, ballot, voting equipment, or counting form.
Bring or ask any voter to bring campaign items or literature inside the polling place.
Interview voters about their choices. Voters and observers may not support or discourage support of any candidate on the ballot within 50-feet of the polling place.
Interfere with polling place officials or obstruct the election process.
Compromise the secrecy of a voter’s ballot.
Talk on cell phones inside the polling location. You may text inside a polling place but all telephone conversations must be taken outside.
To avoid surprises and to make sure election workers are prepared for your visit, we encourage media representatives to contact the Board’s Public Information Officer, Rachel Coll, via cell at (443) 716-6088 or via email at
What rules apply to photography in the polling place?
The District of Columbia Board of Elections asks that you take only wide shots of the voting area. If you take a close-up picture, please make sure the subject agrees to have their photo taken. You may not capture any close-up image of a ballot or a voter’s selection on the ballot.
What rules apply to candidates’ representatives inside the polling place?
Candidates are permitted to have one poll watcher per precinct and may have a poll watcher supervisor present. Election observers who are not affiliated with a candidate may also be present. Precinct Captains are instructed to give priority access to poll watchers, then to members of the media, then to election observers. Poll watchers may challenge a voter’s qualifications, but may not assist voters in casting a ballot.
When and where will results be available once the polls close?
The Board will release results on its website at The estimated timeline for posting results is as follows:
8:15pm: Early voting results will be released. –MORE–
9:00 – 9:15pm: Results posted at each polling place
After polls close and after the last voters have been processed, poll workers will print a report from the DS200 optical scanners listing the number of votes each candidate has received and will tape those results to a wall or window outside of the polling place. The Board will post results from all Early Voting equipment at One Judiciary Square, and will also make those tapes available for public inspection.
9:00 – 9:30pm: Results start to become available at DCBOE
The first batch of precinct reports will be printed and uploaded to the BOE website, with
additional precinct reports updated approximately every 30 minutes.
What is the fastest way to get information on Election Day?
The fastest way to get news and information on Election Day is by calling the Board of Elections office at (202) 727-2525 or by following the Twitter feed at @Vote4dc (
You may also contact the Board’s Public Information Officer, Rachel Coll, at (202) 727-5411 or, or in-person at the DCBOE media center, located at 1015 Half Street SE, Suite 750.
The District of Columbia Board of Elections is an independent agency of the District of Columbia Government responsible for the administration of elections, ballot access, and voter registration.
What happens on Election Day if I do not speak one of the six protected languages in the District of
DCBOE provides language access services (interpreters, translated ballots and Language Line) for no or limited English proficient voters on Election Day:
Multi-language directional signs are available at all polling places
Spanish, Mandarin, Amharic, and Vietnamese interpreters are assigned to designated polling sites on Election Day
Over-the-phone interpretation services (any language) at all polling sites
Alternate language materials are available in a language kit at each polling site during the election. Each kit contains translated ballots and other pertinent election materials (Spanish and Mandarin).
Sign language interpreters are also available at designated polling sites